Posted 17 days ago by


There have been a lot of recent changes, both on the mod team and on the boards. I'll start with the boards first:

  • Zeekers cheat and ejection strats are going to be split off into an unrestricted category together on the category extensions

  • 6 Quota is staying merged for the time being. As the vote was so close, it is subject to change in the future.

  • 1 and 3 Quota have a new subcategory, which splits No Beehives and Beehives

As for the mod team:

  • Tomatobird is now an smod and is the owner of the Discord server.

  • Bully is now a mod on the main boards

  • Gabtix is now a verifier on the main boards

  • Voidspace and I (CookiesUnite) have decided to return as super moderator and moderator respectively.

  • Mikkaya and Escue have also been added in the first wave of new verifiers. If you submitted an application and were not accepted, you still may be accepted in the next wave.

Happy birthday lotoe !!!

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Posted 5 months ago by

We have received news on an update on ASL file. With this new update, the autosplitter should no longer be broken. You should now be able to activate/deactivate normally.

Thank you for your patience!


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Posted 5 months ago by

Livesplit autosplitter is currently broken due to an update to a third party library that the autosplitter uses called asl-help which has broken it. If you've noticed autosplitter is not working this is why.

Zach (autosplitter creator) has posted a guide in Discord with a workaround for this that I have pinned. Please join the Discord and look in the announcements channel to find the fix.

You will manually need to set this up in the meantime for the autosplitter to work. Zach will push an update and notify everyone once the surrounding issues have been fixed.

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Posted 5 months ago by

Hello Employees!

With the new changes coming to the Lethal Company Speedrunning Community, I have also reformatted the rules in accordance. Please take the time to reference these rules, as there are some new additions that should be taken note of for run submissions.

This includes moving some rules into the category section, a new global rule section, and required materials in your video for submission.

If you have any questions regarding the rules, please do not hesitate to contact me for further clarification.

Happy Speedrunning,


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Posted 5 months ago by

Timings for Lethal Company speedruns are being changed from RTA to IGT (In-Game Time)

An autosplitter has now been created for Lethal Company speedrunners by a member of the community which allows load times to be removed from the overall time of runs. Due to how new speedruns for this game are and the currently low overall amount of runs there are we are switching to using IGT for the timing of Lethal Company speedruns effective immediately.

What does this change mean?

  • IGT is a now a requirement for all runs going forward, if your run does not use IGT it will be rejected
  • Livesplit & the autosplitter must be used to make sure your run is being timed using IGT
  • Livesplit needs to be shown the whole time throughout your run

If you don't know how to setup livesplit and the autosplitter, please refer to the guide below:

As far as how this affects co-op runs:

  • All pov's for other players are still required
  • The host of the game need's to be using livesplit and make sure they are timing with IGT as the timing for co-op is based off of the host's POV.

Thank you for your understanding

~ Nanikos

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Posted 6 months ago by

Hi Everyone, as you may have noticed, we have 2 new categories

Level100%, which requires collecting every scrap or item on the map, and Bestiary%, which requires scanning every monster in the game.

Hope everyone has fun with these new categories and i cant wait to see the first runs on them

On a different topic however, Rules have been heavily re-written to make things a lot more clear for runs, make timing easier, and make the runs overall more fun to play. We are sorry if your run was removed because of these new rules, but after some thought it was better off for the speedrunning scene as a whole.

If you happen to have any questions, comments or Concerns, please do reach out so we can further improve on it, and i hope you all have fun getting abducted by a bracken right at the end of your perfect 100% run LOL

Cya till next update, and have fun yall

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There have been a lot of recent changes, both on the mod team and on the boards. I'll start with the boards first:

  • Zeekers cheat and ejection strats are going to be split off into an unrestricted category together on the category extensions

  • 6 Quota is staying merged for the time being

17 days ago
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