Any Anime Fans Here?
4 years ago

I dont watch anime, but i like Sonic X. Its an anime based on Sonic the Hedgehog

Pear likes this

Watched way more when I was younger, haven't been following anything while it was airing since... Puella Magi Madoka Magica, I think? Nowadays I watch a series or two per year.

Don't really have a favorite show or genre; depends way too much on my mood at the time.

Vatican City

One Punch Man and Yu Yu Hakusho, but I'm not a weeb like everyone else here.


Watched several animes, but more of a manga fan, though both of these got shoved aside a little due to work lately.. Though thinking of rewatching Naturo series, these are just gold imo, the atmosphere and the plot

Costa Rica

Well, not much, but i only saw some animes.

Pennsylvania, USA

I'm a big fan of vampire hunter d


Nerd incoming... Pokemon is the best animae lol xD

Pennsylvania, USA

Black Lagoon for anybody that watched that series is a great anime.

Pennsylvania, USA

Another good anime movie would be Highlander The Search For Vengeance its from the same director as vampire hunter d and is a very good anime. I'm a big Highlander fan so watching this movie was a must.


Yes, my man I love Anime my favourite is probably like Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on Titan but I like so much of them so that I really don't know!

alb9 and Pear like this

as this was bumped by a bot i might as well say:

team anime split bg

grnts and Gaming_64 like this

When I was younger I was really obsessed with Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X I had all the manga books. The show is kind of silly, but the movies are more serious like a historical drama and the artwork is INSANE. Seriously "Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal" is one of the best anime movies of all time.


I'm also an anime fan. Volleyball and Tokyo Ghoul are great.


Yeah, death note is amazing.


I'm interested in anime as well. Also my favorite activity is playing here. I had the great experience in this game

Edited by the author 1 month ago

I'm interested in anime as well.